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B.E.S.T Saving Calculator


The B.E.S.T. savings for you

You are just 4 steps away from finding out the potential of the Bowers Energy Saving Transformer (B.E.S.T.).

Now, we know it’s usually taboo to ask about age, but for us to get accurate figures we need to know some information about your existing transformer, starting with its age. This information can usually be found on the rating plate, or any supporting documents. If you don’t know the date of your transformer we’ll just assume it was before 1970.

What is the age of your existing transformer?

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The B.E.S.T. savings for you

You are just 3 more steps away from finding out the potential of the Bowers Energy Saving Transformer (B.E.S.T.).

A transformer’s rating, or size, is its power capacity in kilovolt-amperes (kVA). You can find this information on the rating plate of the transformer. This is one of the most important pieces of information for this calculator – we are basing our calculations on a like-for-like replacement, however, if you need to run the calculations on a non-standard rating our team can give you a more specialised breakdown.

What is the power rating of your existing transformer? (kVA)

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The B.E.S.T. savings for you

Knowing about your existing transformers’ age and ratings will help us work out the energy savings. To work out the cost savings the B.E.S.T. will offer you, we need to know what you are currently paying for your energy cost.

This will help us to work out the running costs savings compared to your existing transformer, and the return on investment for the B.E.S.T. If you don’t know your exact figure, the current UK average for businesses is 0.25£/kWh.

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The B.E.S.T. savings for you

The last thing we need to know is how you utilise your transformer, which is measured by the load factor. Load factor, in essence, means utilisation. It is the ratio of the average load and the peak load during a certain prescribed period of time.

This varies depending on the type of business or purpose of the building. A load factor of 100% indicates that the transformer is operating at its maximum capacity for the entire time period. A factory using power Monday – Friday 9 till 5, won’t have the same load factor as a factory using power 24/7.

What is your current load factor?

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